Ben Correira has partnered with Pictage to offer a wonderful viewing experiance of onlineproofs.
To view the images of an event, please click on one of the event names to the right. A new browser window will take you to the Pictage website. Please register or log in first and then enter the "event Key" (password) to view the photos. The event key is a 4-digit number representing the MONTH and DAY of the event for example a wedding held on July 7 would have an event key of 0707.
If the event has not been released please sign up for email notification when the images are ready. Normally, online proofs are avialbe 3 - 4 weeks after the event. If you have difficulities with the Pictage website, please call 1- 877-PICTAGE for assistance.
If wedding is not yet posted please contact for link to site